Thursday, April 23, 2015

7 February 2015: Wasting time at the café

                I’m sitting here in the café thing next to the (newly functional!) ATM in Mt. Moorosi doing what Basotho do best: wait. I’m eating some kind of super questionable battered fish bone thing (blech) which is like they tried to batter and fry a piece of fish, but instead it’s only the spine and bones. Where’s the meat? Am I supposed to try to eat the bones or just eat around them? I’m waiting here for at least 2 more hours until the taxi leaves. I maybe should have brought those quizzes to grade. Maybe. Yesterday being Friday, the day I have established as Quiz Day, I just gave two quizzes to forms A and B and started to grade them. Yesterday I was in a weird mood after classes were over. I think I just felt kind of useless I’m sitting or standing around most of the time. I don’t really know if/when I can go home, what I can be doing in my spare time, or if I should be trying to be useful. On the plus side, this has won me some extra reading time. I never really liked reading until now, but I’m reading Lord of the Rings and a Clockwork Orange at the moment, both from the school library that no student actually uses. The other hard thing, besides being bored, is feeling constantly out of the loop, mostly because all the students and other teacher talk to each other in Sesotho, and I can’t really contribute. Most of the time I’m ready to head out way before the other teachers at the end of the day. I don’t really want to wait around for the chitter chatter and then walk back with them for the sole reason that they walk so freaking slowly. I literally could crawl faster than they walk. And it’s not as if Basotho are physically incapable of going fast- yesterday morning my little ausi was booking it to get to school because she didn’t want to walk with some kids who were coming up behind us.
                This wobbly table sucks. Why does every table in this country have uneven legs. Maybe I should start a new PC sector besides education and healthy youth: Table Brigade. Yes, I spent two years in this country as a Table Brigader evening out sucky table legs. You’re welcome. Hmm, I’ve wasted only half an hour here, eh? Better keep writing.
                It feels like I have a chunk of that stupid fish bone in my throat. If I die, that’s why Here lies Sushi, killed, ironically, as she cannibalized another fish, its bone lodged in her esophagus, forever poking into her flesh. May Bog rest her food-adventurous soul. I wonder how long I can get away with sitting here. A lady just walked by outside holding a live chicken by the wings. Casual.
                Yesterday my ausi gave me some of the food my ‘me was cooking. I already ate some popcorn and a stellar rice/peas mixture, but I was like what the heck, sure. Plus it was meat, which is cool. I don’t know what kind of meat it was, exactly (story of my life), probably pork. But there was some super grody piece that was definitely like some kind of kidney or something. I fed it to the pig. Does that make me a bad person, letting the pig eat a piece of its own brethren? Ashes to ashes, pig to pig, like a phoenix.
                After I finish this page, I’m gonna go find somewhere else to bum around, maybe buy some bananas, go back to the china shop and buy a ton of eggs, then go wait at the taxi rank and read my kindle or something. Then since I’m early I’ll get my choice of seat on the taxi (window control!). I like wearing this baseball cap because I can creep on people without them seeing my eyes. Sneaky sneaky. It also keeps my ever-increasingly misbehaving hair in line, aka smushed down so that I don’t have to worry about it.
                Doot da dooooo

                I want a horse. Or an indestructible bicycle whose tires won’t pop on the rocks that are the road. I’m bored. I’m really not good at waiting. A Mosotho I am not. There are cars with flags and huge megaphones cruising up and down the town for their political party’s candidate. Apparently some mess is going down in Maseru- some people got shot over some political kerfuffle. If they evacuated us, I’d definitely go to another country for PC, especially after all that medical and legal and application circus I had to go through, as long as the training was better organized. Today I’ve been in Lesotho for 4 months- almost my longest stay abroad in one place. OK, enough paper wasting. Hasta la bye bye.

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