Tuesday, April 14, 2015

1 January 2015: New Year

I’m basically bored to tears here. I have almost a month more before I start teaching. I have been passing the time by watching movies on my laptop, wandering around the village, and occasionally working out. Right now, I’m perched up on these little pink rock cliffs slightly up the hill from my house, right above the water tap. There are a bunch of kids around me, trying to read what I’m writing. They don’t really know enough English to read this, but they are just curious to see what I’m doing. So I guess it’s 2015, huh. The year of the start of my work here. The year of self-reliance, of trusting, of learning, of screwing up, of exploration, of building new relationships and trying to hold on to old ones, to inevitable frustrations and hopeful exhilarations. The year of the pursuit of the interests I have had but never had time to follow through on. I’m not making any resolutions, per se, because the start of a year shouldn’t be any different from any other new day. I’m already making tremendous forward strides in terms of learning new things and hopefully growing in other ways, and this is just a reminder to myself to keep it going. Onwards and forwards.

My Basotho nkhono (grandmother), two siblings, and a cousin

My abuti is so sassy

Holding my little ausi, this after she decided to comb my hair

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