Thursday, April 23, 2015

28 February 2015: Garden madness

                This past weekend, I made about half of my pacman garden. What is a pacman (keyhole) garden, you ask? Well, scroll through my past posts somewhere and you can get yourself an education about that. Anyway, it started with me wheelbarrowing rocks by myself, then pretty soon my ausis, ‘me, and neighbor were all helping. We made the pacman outline, filled that with aloe leaves that we cut from a nearby aloe plant, and then dumped in several bags of cans that I had collected from the primary school (they eat canned fish for lunch some days, so they have lots of cans lying around). We put one of the empty flour sacs in the middle as sort of a compost bag. We covered the aloe and cans with some dry grass that we got from a neighbor, then got some manurey dirt from another neighbor’s cow corrall and shoveled that on top. Yesterday, some neighbor boys, my ‘me, and I all finished the garden. We built it up some more with rocks and filled it with dirt and manure up to the top. We planted all the usual leafy green suspects (mustard greens, swiss chard, etc.) in rows coming from the compost bag and radiating outward. Cool, now I won’t be super deprived of vegetables. Coming soon, I will attempt to plant carrot seeds in between the rows of leafy things, just for kicks.

Step 1: pacman outline 

Fill it with stuff

Add dirt

Neighborly helpers


Growth! Now put sticks around the edge so sheep don't jump in and eat all the leafies again.

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