Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Small thoughts 7

I may or may not be becoming dependent on mayonnaise.

Taxi names: cannibal, paradise, alpha, blackberry, Ben 5, Ben 10, navigator, destination warrior, apologize, bobo, legacy, president, mummy boy, come closer
Bus company name: Ghetto Tours

Ke parle français hanyanito

Other teacher to me: "your hair is silky, hakir? You just wash, dry, and you don't fear the comb, like I do. You can even run your hand backward through it and destroy the style and it still looks ok."

This old woman hassles me for the taxi's window seat because she gets hot, she tells me. Fine. A respecting-elders sort of person, I swap with her. She has proceeded to keep the window only barely cracked the whole time while I'm over here roasting. Maybe next time you can just take off your sweater-blanket combo in this 80 degree weather and let me have the window.

Today marks 6 months in Lesotho. Whaaattt?

I am actually eating something (mustard greens maybe?) I grew from seed to food in my own garden. This is so cool. 

My worst fear used to be being locked in a steam room. It is now dropping my diva cup down my latrine. Ain't no way that thing's coming back out of that sewer pit. This is closely followed by the fear that my gas will run out mid-cooking session, especially if I'm making something fancy on the weekend. 

How many episodes of Boy Meets World have I watched today?

I realized I'm going a bit stir crazy when the thought "there's nothing more fun than burning trash" ran through my head this morning.

Omg the bigger of the two shops in my village actually had yogurt and eggs and honey flavored lesheleshele. It's food Xmas at the Sushi House. 

Leaving school after I'm done teaching as opposed to waiting in the staff room and doing nothing until the end of the school day probably accounts for like 80% of my gross daily happiness. 

If all else fails, at least I will have left this country being able to tell the difference between different animals' poo. 

In life skills class-
Me: "Why do you think the government set a legal drinking age at 18 years old?"
Form C boy: "Because if you are younger than 18, you have no money to buy alcohol."
That was the only reason the class could think of on their own.

I'm at my school's choir concert, watching the kids who were forced to attend escape out the back door, but I'm not stopping them because I want to do the same thing. 

My search history is so weird. Thanks, life skills. 

It go pretty cold, so today I'm chasing a square of sun coming through my window, scooting myself across the floor to stay in its warmth. 

More taxi names: Shhh!, Exploitation, Whatz up, Baby Bo, Taliban, Rock My Soul, Gladiator, Untraceable, Lion King, Le Coq Sportif, Anaconda, Motivation, Famo, Valentine, Never Give Up

For Basotho, the world is their trash can. I just saw a lady open the taxi window and chuck out a plastic bag with a styrofoam container. The chicken bones in that container might decompose some time soon, but that other stuff won't.

Taxis are for suckers. Mine just got a flat. I knew I should have hitched.

This guy in the shop was trying to talk to me, but he was speaking bontate, aka mumbling and being generally incoherent. I told him I didn't understand, and he ran to the back of the store and showed me a bottle of lotion called "girl friend". Oh that's what you were sputtering about. I told him I refuse and that he was crazy, and that my name wasn't "'Me Lakhooa." The guy bagging my food was impressed at my ability to make this guy go away with my Sesotho skillz. 

The song "tax man" by the Beatles makes me think of old timey superhero theme songs. Tax Man, protecting the streets from offshore accounts?

The peanut butter I got tastes stale. Maybe that'll prevent the temptation to eat the whole 1kg tub in one sitting. 

Traveling all day in taxis. It's so taxing. I'm so punny.

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