Saturday, May 9, 2015

A shout out to my mom

on this Mother's Day. Many moons ago, she hauled me around inside of her for the better part of a year, let a doctor slice her open and remove me, taught me how to do everything tiny humans are supposed to do, tolerated my whining, dedicatedly cheered me on at every gymnastics meet, took me everywhere I needed to go for my many activities (until I got my license and enthusiastically stepped aside to let me drive myself to diving practice at 5:30am), and then not so enthusiastically stepped aside as I left for college, and then for Lesotho. You eventually stopped crying. So thanks, Mom, for being my source of advice and venting when I call you from my rondaval, offering to send me anything I might ever need, promising to be my world traveler adventure buddy again, and showing your love in many other ways.

1 comment:

  1. You are going to make me start crying again with posts like this one! I love you! Thanks for making me a mother again! Mom
