Sunday, March 22, 2015

Small Thoughts 6

A big part of becoming a functioning person in this world is learning to divide things you learn from older people into two categories: bullshit/misconceptions/old wives tales vs. sound advice that you probably should have listened to the first time around.

Anywhere else, I would normally clean my habitat every once in a while, but if I don't sweep my floor here every day, I soon end up ankle deep in dirt, dead bugs, and roof thatch scraps.

"Hope you're having a chill time in Le soot poop."- Chris, in an email. Thanks, bud.

In the Southern Hemisphere, "spring forward" and "fall back" don't work. Unless us southies are supposed to be two hours different from the northies now. I'm confused.
Update: Wikipedia tells me Lesotho doesn't save daylight. Problem solved. 

I've gotten really good at pretending like I understand stuff when I have absolutely no idea what people are saying. I'm golden as long as there are no follow up questions. Then my cover's blown. 

I am teaching prisms in form B. I was using the textbook as an example of a rectangular prism when I realized that the title of the book is also "prism". Hah. Am I the only one who finds this entertaining?

My training group is keeping track of teacher absenteeism or students missing class for kind of dumb reasons. Teachers often will not show up to school for one lame reason or another, or they will go to class late or leave early bc they're socializing or dealing with parents or something else. Yesterday they cancelled the last 2 classes because the athletes had to go to the field to practice for their track meet or something. Then today they almost cancelled the last 3 classes because the kids in the English club had to practice for their debate tournament. This couldn't take place after school like it normally does? There is a lot of non-teaching/learning going on.

There is often a thin line separating genius with delusional, and sometimes it's really hard to decide which camp someone belongs in.

Any day when I don't have to wear real pants is a good day. 

My favorite part of watching movies on my computer is at the end when I can super fast forward it and have the chipmunks sing as the credits fly by. 

Message from Frederico: "pajamas+food³+bed=the theory of happiness"

Just saw a girl wearing a shirt that said "ERHAPS". As in, erhaps you lost a P somewhere. 

Taxi name: "A Question Of Style"

It's cute how old people think that lol means lots of love. 

I haven't stretched in a lil while. My body is like owww what are you doing to me?

Every time I read lord of the rings it's like I zone out amongst all the flowery writing and then five pages later I realize my eyes have been moving along the lines but I haven't actually read anything.

There's a sheep being dismembered outside the staff room.

After the sheep has been fully dismembered, I see a form C boy holding a round and furry white thing, about the size of a little kids-sized soccer ball. The conversation that follows: "What is that?" "The testicle." "What are you doing with it?" "I am making it soft." "For what?" "I am going to cook it. With Imana!" He proceeds to use it to slap another boy who is running by.

Taxi name- "mummy boy"

My ausi has a shirt on that says "talk nupdy to me." Laughing, I told her that that means absolutely nothing; Nupdy is not a word. How do things like this make it into mass production?

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