Saturday, July 23, 2016

"How do you make a man wear a condom" BBC Africa article

This article highlights the main issue of condom non-use in South Africa (and, in turn, Lesotho) that contributes to the continued spread of HIV, that issue being a society that teaches females to be passive. Condoms are ubiquitous and free, so that's not the problem. The problem is women saying things like, "Yes, you can refuse to sleep with him but then he'll force himself on you and no woman wants that. Men are more powerful, when they want something they want it." 

"No woman wants that," she says, not, "That is unacceptable." It's as if she's saying, "Welp, that's the way it goes,  and even though it's not what we want, there's nothing really we can do." 

"No!" I yelled at the screen. That is exactly the kind of attitude that is turning rape culture into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Though this article also highlights women refusing to compromise on condom use and those strong enough and aware enough to stand up to men, it still means that we have a long way to go. 

A lot of the reason I chose to stay in Lesotho was to make sure I finished teaching self-defense and empowerment lessons for my older female students. I don't care if they forget all the math I taught them; I just want to leave them with the assurance that their voices are meant to be heard, and that their health and safety is a priority more important than antiquated societal teachings. 

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