Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Small thoughts 14

Taxis: Eagle, Techno, Beg For Mercy, Born Again, My Twins, Lady Blue, Bad Boy (the entire back windshield was printed with a photo of a little boy flipping the bird)

My principal just gave the teachers a document from a law firm telling principals that the ministry of education was supposed to give money to schools for a textbook rental program, but they put that money in some other illegal account. It's gone and now they can't account for that money. And something about the ministry threatening principals and holding them responsible for the missing funds. Yay corruption.

In the US, I feel like people are very conscious of their ring tones. In most cases, it's not even cool to have one at all, as putting your phone on vibrate is sufficient for both tactile and audible alerts that your phone is ringing. And if you have a tacky, 1990s brick phone-inspired, digital beep boop song as your ringtone, forget about it. But here, anything goes. House, gospel, beep boop, birds chirping, babies crying, what have you. As loud as you can make it. 

Garlic salt: a game changer. 

It's amazing how good I feel in the morning, then by the time I'm at school, it just sucks the life right out of me. I'm having some version of senioritis. Teacheritis?

I can't sleep. I'm up trying to figure out how to fit in all the vacations I want to do. Solution? I may or may not ever come back to the US...

I just went outside and burned some maggotey eggs. Mmmmmm. I'm gonna go throw up now. 

So I'm walking home, and as I get out of the school grounds, this little girl's face erupts with wonder and confusion as she practically screams, "Lekhooa oa tsamaea le ntja!!" [The white person is walking with a dog!!] Yup. Basically. 

I got my first ever double yolk egg today. It's gonna be a good day. 

I'm convinced that the same mechanism that is inside a squeaky toy is also in the throat of all donkeys. 

Cabin Fever: this is real life, people. Actually, look up "stir crazy" on Wikipedia. Literally exactly how I feel. I'm not quite on par with Jack Nicholson in The Shining, but I did go out last night and toss/smash a whole flat of (in my defense for not wasting food, mostly rotten) eggs in a random field. It did make me feel much better. 

"The things you own end up owning you."
Fight Club sums up how good I feel owning very little here in PC.

Fun fact: 15% of Google searches have never been searched before. That seems surprisingly high to me.

Fire drill (escape out my window) -I leisurely cleared off the window sill, put the curtain aside, unlocked the burglar bars, drug a chair over, climbed up, and jumped out in a minute and a half. Bonus: no one even saw me, so I didn't have to explain to anyone why I was jumping out my window. Score. 

PC: where the boredom drives me to examine the swirling wonderland that is my fingerprints for a good 15 minutes.

Overheard on Whatsapp
"That's what xmas is all about: frikin burritos all day long."

Overheard in real life
"Im in such a weird mood. I don't know what to do. I'm gonna model outfits. That always calms me down."
"I wish I could just fart myself to sleep."

Overheard at the workshop
"Lovers don't look each other in the eye because we want them to guess our feelings."

I was walking past the gym at the hotel during a break from the PC workshop I'm helping with. As a business casual event, I'm wearing a summer dress and sweater. Lee comes out of the gym, saying, "at first I thought it was you, but then I thought no, can't be, it's wearing a dress." It? Thanks. 

Taxi drivers have this whole set of hand signals that they use with other taxis and side-of-the-road passengers. It's fascinating. 

There've been all these crazy dust storms around because it's so dry, but they're being squished out with a little rain. Rather be a bit wet than perpetually finding dirt in my ears. 

"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured with breakfast food." - Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation 

I just sustained a gruesome thumb war scratch. Who knew this innocent game could be so lethal?

My dog is at the point where it won't wander all over the village- it'll stay in the general vicinity of my house. I don't feel compelled to chain it up anymore. Freedom!

I just had a dream where I was in Paris and wanted to go to the Pompidou museum, but when I arrived at the super futuristic looking metro station, I got on the conveyor belt where you had to buy your microchip-infused paper metro ticket, but when I got to the ticket lady, I couldn't remember French, only Sesotho. Sigh. 

Today I learned that they base a student's passing or failing of the subject for the entire year solely on the final exam. No wonder they all fail so hard!

I'm now at the point where when I see someone driving on the right side of the road in a movie, I get disoriented for a second, thinking they're on the wrong side. 

Ok government, so let me get this straight: your online system got hacked and I may be at risk of identity theft (including my fingerprints) because of my PC application info that was on there. Your solution is to have me register for some (possibly a scam?) identity protection program by putting my full name, address, phone, and social security number ONLINE?? Because if your website
gets hacked once, after that it's obviously invincible. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THE PROBLEM WITH THIS?

If it takes more time to write down on your to-do list than to actually do it, do it now. 

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