Sunday, August 2, 2015

Small thoughts 9

Taxi names: Cool Down, Shut Up, Pakistan, The Palace

I wish all my clothes had thumb holes. 

What started out as a walk to get myself moving so I wasn't so cold ended up as me walking with an army of about a dozen kids, all of them singing and skipping and wanting to hold my hand. 

Doing workout videos is the only thing preventing me from freezing to death.

My ausi wanted to see some music videos on my computer. I showed her some South African ones and she was like meh. Then I showed her the dance scene from Ferris Bueller. Blew her mind. 

How come when I have to wake up for school, my body refuses to get up at 7, but when I can sleep however long I want, I'm awake by 5? Like every time.

I'm not giving any exams today, but I'm going to school anyway for lunch. Now I know how the students feel: School = food. 

Who needs a fridge when you have a 40 degree house?

My ausi just legitimately got mad at me when I told her I didn't want her to help me with my laundry. Go do you own laundry.

Some of the other secondary teacher PCVs have been asked by primary school teachers to do their assignments for them. Like the teachers are working toward a higher degree and these are their assignments as they take classes remotely. We're talking form A level math here. No wonder the students don't know anything coming out of primary if their teachers don't know it either. Apparently these requests are common and secondary teachers are often happy to comply. Another PCV, after being asked, just told these teachers to sit in on her lessons. 

I legitimately love the burnt taste of long life milk. Does this stuff exist in America?

Whatsapp message from Lars: "just gave a spelling test to the 6th graders. one of the words was nutrition. one kid spelled it "papa"..."

I just realized one of my shirts bought in the US has "made in Lesotho" on the tag. I brought it home. 

Some small taxi drivers keep liquid detergent packs on their dashboard as an air freshener.

Man I wasn't even tryna hitch and this car passes me, then a few minutes later loops back around for the sole purpose of asking me if I need a ride. Easiest unintentional hitch ever. 

'Me behind me in the taxi- "Let me see your book. Is it English? It's so big. It's like a bible."

Hobo fires. Winter hobo fires everywhere. 

Advice to anyone my age: don't rewatch Space Jam. Don't ruin your childhood warm fuzzies by realizing it's actually atrocious. Oh Michael Jordan, what are we going to do with you?

Perched atop my favorite pink rock looking over the village, I look up from my book to see a small pig sprint down the road across my entire field of vision, being closely pursued by five running children. I don't ask questions anymore. 

Pre-bedtime energy burst = solo rondaval dance party

I am now able to marathon watch TV series on my laptop better than any procrastinating college student.

I woke up this morning with only the memory of two distinct phrases left over from whatever dreams I was having: "pizza bagels" and "hood rat database." Psychoanalyze that. 

The funniest thing in class is when I am talking about something in "meters squared", then the students roll that phrase around in their mouths, imitating my American accent. It comes out like "mrtrs squrd". 

At the hotel during the workshop, about 5 PCVs are sitting in the lobby talking. After being kinda creepy and just standing next to one of the couches, his eyes scanning the group, this young Mosotho guy emphatically points at Kara and says "I choose you!" as if she's some kind of Pokemon or something. She's kind of looking at him blankly, then Lee says, "I think you should leave." The guy goes, "Why, is she yours?" and Lee responds, "No, because you're annoying." The guy scoffs and walks away, then pops back astound the corner and says loudly, "I am perfect and pretty!" Seeing our non impressed faces, he walks away again.

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