Friday, December 2, 2016

27 September 2016: Improv weekend

                I zipped out of my village on a Friday and taxied to Quthing, where I got a hitch north with a potato seller with a physics and computer science degree (so that tells you a lot…) wanting to get his Masters degree at the National University of Lesotho (at R20,000/year) so that he could get a job at the university marking lab papers. A Master’s degree to do a TA’s job. Rough. Then I got a super fast hitch in a little blue car from a guy with a crazy hat who designs gardens and does landscaping stuff. After a night in Mohale’s Hoek, a few of us went up north to Mafeteng, the next town north, for fancy Shoprite grocery shopping and Chinese food. The hitch north from there to Morija was super entertaining. It was with some Bantu FC (Mafeteng’s soccer team) fans in their fan club minivan. Then in Morija, we didn’t want to walk the few kms to our destination, so I flagged down yet another car, which turned out to be the nicest guy ever, Morija’s preacher, who took us straight to our improv location, Lisa and Ryan’s super swanky (by PCV standards) house. That night, we made bunches of food like peanut butter balls (aka calorie bombs), and Ryan made at least 10 pizzas. He is definitely the pizza king around here. Then we played a bunch of improv games and fun was had by all. 

                The next day, another friend and I tried and failed to find the dinosaur footprints somewhere on the mountain behind the house, then Lisa and Ryan set up a football game that consisted of a projector they borrowed from their school, big speakers (also borrowed from school- their school is pretty fancy), and a few data bundles later we were streaming a football game. It was weird to see American commercials again. Cheetos’s chicken fries? Come on, America. You can do better than that. I normally don’t like football, but I was enthralled, having not seen it in two years. 

                Then after all the America-ness, I had to go back home. Boo. I realized, though, while waiting in Mount Moorsi forever for my taxi to fill up, that this would be the second to last time I’d have to wait for hours for this taxi for my village. The end is nigh. 

Random photos yayyy!

Head shaving day at the orphanage

Someone carved "lekhala" (aloe) in this aloe. Thanks. 

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